Production Activities

PRP BioReb


PRP BioReb is a Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) preparation kit that concentrates platelets, from autologous blood, in a small volume of plasma. It could, also, mimic the last step of the coagulation cascade, leading to the formation of a fibrin clot, which consolidates and adheres to the application site.
As is well known, platelets contain a number of distinguishable storage granules including alpha granules, dense granules and lysosomes. Degranulation of platelets releases a variety of proteins, largely from storage granules and as the result of
apparent cell lysis. These act in an autocrine or paracrine manner to modulate cell signaling, so PRP shows, by degranulation of platelet, strong healing properties. In addition, PRP may be considered a carrier for biological active agents and a healing
substance causing less post-surgical pain.
PRP BioReb is our new preparation kit containing a special filter that allow to separate a large amount of white cells from the PRP concentrate to reduce some undesired interactions with living tissue.
Fields of application:
Cosmetic, Periodontal surgery, Dental implant reconstruction, Plastic surgery,
Ophthalmology, Orthopedic , Wound healing in surgery, Tendonitis, Cartilage regeneration

Syn-Bone, SynH-Bone


Both Syn-Bone and SynH-Bone are calcium phosphates based materials. Calcium phosphates are classified as absorbable biomaterials with osseoconduction, osseoinduction end osseogenesis properties.
Syn-Bone is a β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) product commonly used, totally absorbable bioceramic, for bone tissue and other engineering. β-TCP has been extensively studied and used as bioabsorbable, bioactive material. Syn-Bone is cell culture tested and terminally sterilized by ɤ-radiation.
Also SynH-Bone is a ceramic biomaterial for bone and other tissue engineering applications. SynH-Bone consists in hydroxyapatite/β-TCP mixture, used as a very slow absorbable bioceramic material. Hydroxyapatite has the same chemical constituents as calcium-phosphate tribasic in which the calcium/phosphate ratio is about 1.67, like the bone mineral. Hence hydroxyapatite is chemically similar to the mineral component of bones and hard tissues in mammals. It is one of few materials that are classed as bioactive, meaning that it will support bone ingrowth and osseointegration when used in orthopedic, dental and maxillofacial applications. Except from absorbability, fields of application and physical properties are the same of β-TCP.
Both Syn-Bone and SynH-Bone may be employed in forms such as granules (range: 25 microns up to 2 mm, there is also a special formulation based of injectable Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles) porous blocks or beads to fill bone defects or voids. These may arise when large sections of bone have had to be removed (e.g. bone cancers) or when bone augmentations are required (i.e. maxillofacial reconstructions or dental applications). The bone filler will provide a scaffold and encourages the rapid filling of the void by naturally forming bone and provides an alternative to bone grafts. It will also become part of the
bone structure and will reduce healing times compared to the situation if no bone filler was used.

Tooth Whitening products


“Whitening” is any process that will make teeth appear whiter. This can be achieved in two ways. A product can bleach the tooth, which means that it actually changes the natural tooth color. Bleaching products contain peroxide(s) that help remove deep (intrinsic) and surface (extrinsic) stains. By contrast, non-bleaching whitening products contain agents that work by physical or chemical action to help remove surface stains only.
Whitening products may be administered by dentists in the dental office, dispensed by dentists for home-use, they are peroxide-containing bleaching agents. Carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, are used in many bleaching products. Carbamide peroxide breaks down into hydrogen peroxide and urea, with hydrogen peroxide being the active bleaching
agent (ADA).
Beam srl produces several types of whitening systems containing hydrogen peroxide as active agent (35% or 38% by weight) or cabarmide peroxide (18%, 22%, 35% by weight).